Website of Japan Disability Forum's support activities for persons with disabilities affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake

JDF Headquarters for Comprehensive Support of Persons with Disabilities affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake

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JDF Headquarters for Comprehensive Support of Persons with Disabilities affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake
The image picture of a meeting

JDF established the "Headquarters for Comprehensive Support of Persons with Disabilities affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake" and has been engaged in activities such as making proposals to the government, providing direct support to persons with disabilities, raising awareness, etc.

The banner of Messages of Life -Twice as many persons with disabilities passed away on march eleventh- Report on the Great East Japan Earthquake and Support for People with Disabilities

 We are supported by MERCY RELIEF for the support to social welfare centers for persons with disabilities affected by 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake

About JDF Headquarters for Comprehensive Support

Immediately after the Great East Japan Earthquake, various disability organizations promptly commenced support activities in their respective specialty fields. JDF also set up the “JDF Headquarters for the Comprehensive Support of Persons with Disabilities Affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake” on March 18, 2011 with the aim of consolidating the capabilities of JDF’s affiliated bodies in order to provide support to persons with disabilities who were affected by the disaster and to work together effectively toward the recovery and restoration of the disaster-affected areas.

Activities in disaster-affected areas with three "Support Centers"

Miyagi Support Center
·Established on March 18, 2011 (Sendai City, etc.)

Support Center Fukushima
·Established on April 6, 2011 (Koriyama City)

Iwate Support Center Iwate
·Headquarters est. on Sept 22, 2011 (Morioka City)
·Iwate Support Center est. on Apr 17, 2012 (Rikuzentakata City)

Proposals of JDF on the Great Earthquake

1. Verification is needed on the following three points;

(1)Fact finding and disclosure of information related to persons with disabilities who fell victim to the Great East Japan Earthquake, including statistical information

(2)Grasping the actual living conditions of persons with disabilities in the disaster-affected areas (What kind of difficulties persons with disabilities faced and what kind of support was needed amid the disruption of lifelines and information)

(3)Verification of effectiveness of disaster management measures and measures for people requiring assistance during a disaster

2. Restoration and reconstruction towards an “inclusive” society for all, based on the principles of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities

3. Participation of persons with disabilities in the restoration efforts and implementation of disaster management measures in the future

Information of support activities
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